2025 NJSchoolJobs Virtual Education Job Fairs

New Jersey Virtual Education job fairs help New Jersey schools meet potential candidates for employment.  Your administrators and instructional leaders will make direct, private connections with new and veteran educators on the convenient online platform.  

Recruit licensed teachers, school support professionals, administratorslicensed paraprofessionals, and substitute teachers for immediate hire and the next school year.

Lunch & Learn

Understand the essentials and ask your questions
at an Employer Information Session.
March 5th, 12:00 pm • Register

Watch a recording of the January 9th presentation

In 2024, NJSchoolJobs.com hosted three virtual events that helped to connect several thousand qualified job seekers with participating districts.  In 2025 we will continue this helpful resource with three virtual job fairs. 

  • Thursday, February 20, 2025 - 4:30pm to 7:00pm 
  • Thursday, April 10, 2025 - 4:30pm to 7:00pm 
  • Thursday, May 22, 2025 - 4:30pm to 7:00pm 

Candidate Information 

Employers - Register Now 

Employer Cancellation & Refund Policy

All cancellations must be made in writing by email to jobfair@njschooljobs.com. Cancellation notices received by noon on the thirtieth (30) day preceding the event will be refunded 100% of fees paid via the original payment method.  Cancellation notices received by noon on the seventh  (7) day preceding the event will be refunded 100% of fees paid, less a $300 cancellation fee via the original payment method. Cancellation notices received after noon on the seventh day preceding the event (i.e., within a week) will not be eligible for a refund. If NJSchoolJobs.com cancels an event for any reason, employers will receive a full refund of the registration fees paid. For any questions about the event, please contact jobfair@njschooljobs.com.


Participating in a Virtual Job Fair in 5 easy steps

Complete the employer registration form.
The registration deadline is about ten days before each event. Major discounts apply for early registration and NJSchoolJobs.com subscribers.
Receive instructionsfour weeks beforethe event.
Instructions include training dates and guidance on how to succeed. Our professional production team will help by copying prior booth designs or creating a compelling virtual booth design.
In the week before the live event, employers have access to the candidate registry, a spreadsheet-like view of candidate profiles with powerful filtering on candidate traits like desired counties, positions, certification, etc. The #1 success factor for employers with these virtual job fairs is a prepared recruiting team.
Attend onevent day
Each representative will log in to the live event during the designated times to connect with candidates for scheduled and unscheduled chat interactions. Each chat has a 10-minute timer and will start as a text interaction. Representatives can invite the candidate to video chat. They can also extend the chat time and route candidates to other representatives in their booth.
Follow throughafter event day
Employer representatives have continued access to the database of all candidate profiles, which includes tools for sharing and following up.

Registration Packages

PackagesNon-SubscribersSubscribersSold Out
Under 100 licensed staff$749$599
101 to 300 licensed staff$799$649
301 to 500 licensed staff$849$699
Over 500 licensed staff$899$749
  Extra Discounts for Early and Multiple Registrations. Over to $300 off!
“Featured Employer” status increases visibility and promotes your organization in the job fair advertising to candidates.ΧActive
Days before the event, access the candidate registry, screen, and invite qualified candidates to schedule interviews.3 Days7 Days
Employer representatives with access to potential candidates before, during, and after the event.4Unlimited*
Virtual booth customized with your own content (e.g., text, hyperlinks, images, and videos). Prior participants: booth design will be copied from 2024 virtual events.ActiveActive
Live and recorded training for Booth Owners and representatives.ActiveActive
Early access to the registry of all candidates and their profiles for efficient screening.ActiveActive
Invite and schedule chats with candidates.  Match candidates with the appropriate representative. Booth owners can schedule on behalf of other representatives.ActiveActive
Text and video chat with candidates during the live event.ActiveActive
Hand off candidates to other representatives during the live event.  Efficiently route prospects to the right recruiters in your organization.ActiveActive
Post-event booth visitor and chat report in an easily accessible spreadsheet for follow-through with all high-potential candidates.ActiveActive
Continued access to the full candidate registry and profiles for participating representatives.  Access the pool of talent long after the event is finished.ActiveActive
Professional Virtual Booth Design by our team (optional). Worry-free, professional design from experts.  One fee covers all events for 2025.  Limited availability.Sold Out$300/all-events**
Candidate Registry (optional). This option provides access to an online database containing full profiles, contact information, and resumes for all candidates participating in an event.
The Candidate Registry can be used to source candidates, bulk message, and share with other recruiters in your organization. You will receive access to candidate contact information after the job fair is completed. It is available only to employers who register for the corresponding fair.
• $200.00 for 1
• $333.33 for 2
• $400.00 for all 3
* - technical limit of 99 representatives per employer booth.  Additional booths will be provided if more representatives are needed.



Employers - Register Now