Compiles and analyzes a pupil’s social and educational history.
Consults with parents and school personnel in interpreting the social history data.
Counsels children whose behavior or school progress indicates need for individual guidance.
Assume an active, cooperative role on the Child Study Team responding to referrals from Intervention and Referral Services Committee and parents as applicable.
Utilize data from multiple sources to create data-driven decisions regarding student;s needs/programming, and to ensure compliance with the Least Restrictive Environment mandates as specified in N.J.A.C. 6A:14.
Refers individuals to community agencies to secure recommended services for the pupil or family.
Arranges for medical examinations for those students referred to the Child Study Team.
Serves as the attendance officer for the school district.
Serves as chairperson of staffing and meetings as assigned by the Director of Pupil Services.
Seeks the assistance of the school staff to help meet the needs of assigned students.
Serves as case manager for special education students as assigned.
Provides related services to pupils with educational disabilities when appropriate.
Provides preventative and support services to non-disabled pupils when appropriate.
Follow mandated procedures and timelines in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:14 in the evaluation process.
Maintain the confidential records of students and ensure they are kept in a secure location.
Coordinate transition planning, which includes vocational, work or college planning.
Provide support to students who struggle with interpersonal relationships, coping in crisis situations, problem solving and decision making skills.
Maintain close liaison with agencies and specialized professionals who may have occasion to deal with the educational pr adjustment of students.
Consult with teachers in designing intervention plans, make recommendations for resolving problems of individual students, and provide remediation (e.g. counseling, behavior management).
Serve as a consultant to the building principal and instructional staff in matters concerning identification of social and emotional needs.