Paraprofessional / Instructional Aide

Salem City School District | Salem, NJ

Posted Date 3/14/2025
Expiration Date4/13/2025

Paraprofessional / Instructional Aide at John Fenwick Academy (Grades PK-2) - 1 position

Paraprofessional / Instructional Aide at Salem Middle School (Grades 3-8) - 2 positions



Title:                            Instructional Aide


Reports To:                 Building Principal


Qualifications:             48 College Credits & Passing Grade  on the Para-Professional                                             Assessment  Or   

                                    60 College Credits &  a GPA of 2.0


Job Goal:                     To assist the professional staff in meeting the instructional and behavioral goals of the district.




Performance Responsibilities:


  1. Assists with the implementation of special strategies for reinforcement of materials or skills initially introduced by the classroom teacher, based upon the needs, interests, and abilities of individual and/or small groups of children.


  1. Assists with whole group/small group activities such as center activities, drill work, music activities, reading aloud, story telling, etc.


  1. Reports any classroom problem or special information about an individual student to the classroom teacher.


  1. Maintains a high level of ethical behavior and confidentiality.


  1. Operates and cares for equipment used in the classroom for instructional purposes.


  1. Assists with the supervision of students while engaged in out-of-classroom activities.


  1. Assists in carrying out the classroom or individual behavior modification programs of all students.


  1. Informs and assists a substitute teacher assigned in the absence of the regular classroom teacher, with carrying out daily routines/schedules.


  1. Assists with general routines under the direction of the classroom teacher, which may include but is not limited to the following:


  1. Arranging materials for classroom.
  2. Obtaining and returning audio-visual equipment.
  3. Housekeeping chores.
  4. Preparing bulletin boards/centers.
  5. Escorting/accompanying children to special subjects.
  6. Assisting with general hygiene and bathroom needs.
  7. Performing such clerical tasks as attendance, lunch count, maintaining field trip records, etc.
  8. Various school-wide duties such as playground, breakfast, lunch, hall, bus, etc.


  1. Attends in-service meetings as directed by administration.


  1. Assists in various school-related activities that will help to improve the total school climate.


  1. Performs such other duties as directed by administration.



Terms of Employment:

Ten-month work year with salary established by the Board of Education as per contract.




Performance of this job will be evaluated annually in accordance with provisions of the Board’s policy on non-certificated personnel.

Send resume and letter of interest to

Type of Job (PreK-12 or Higher Ed.)

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