Works with the Executive Director, principals, subject matter specialists, and teachers in developing overall school and/or network procedures, school curricula, and an instructional plan with major responsibility for curriculum and instruction.
Oversees the development and timely revision of district curriculum aligned with state regulations.
Develops and maintains a system for monitoring student progress data, including school-wide diagnostic screening, and other data focused on improving student progress.
Teaches a minimum of two and no more than three classes.
Keeps current with state regulations pertaining to the observation and evaluation of teaching staff and collaborates with administrative staff in developing and implementing a school process of teacher observation and evaluation in accordance with Achieve
Plays a key role in the development of a program of professional development for staff, and school improvement.
Studies evaluate, and recommend to the Principal instructional materials, teaching methods, programs, evaluations, and data monitoring methods.
Provides leadership in the development of the K-12 instructional program, specifically methods of teaching, for all areas of the curriculum.
Assists in the development and implementation of the school’s professional development program for the instructional staff, including collaboration for network-wide professional development.
Recommends to the Principal or designee the addition of new courses and grade placement.
Creates and shares grade-level resources to assist with the delivery of instruction.
Schedules and organizes grade level meetings in order to affect horizontal and vertical continuity and articulation of the instructional program of the school.
Plans and presents meetings as required to interpret the educational program to the board of education, parents, and the public at large.
Recommends teacher attendance at conferences and meetings planned for professional development and growth.
Conducts classroom observations and provides supervision/evaluation of teachers and non-certified staff as assigned by the Principal or designee.
Assists in the development and coordination of the sections of the budget that pertain to overall programming and staffing, with specific emphasis on curriculum and instruction
Assists in the recruitment, screening, hiring, training, and assigning of instructional personnel.
Assumes responsibility for reviewing and evaluating results of school-wide testing programs and for other evaluative measures used by the school.
Performs other related duties as assigned by the Principal or designee.
Evaluation: The performance of this job will be evaluated annually in accordance with the provisions of AchieveNJ.